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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Protozoa
Subregnum: Eozoa
Infraregnum: Excavata
Superphylum: Discicristata
Phyla: Percolozoa - Euglenozoa


  • Thomas Cavalier-Smith, The excavate protozoan phyla Metamonada Grassé emend. (Anaeromonadea, Parabasalia, Carpediemonas, Eopharyngia) and Loukozoa emend. (Jakobea, Malawimonas): their evolutionary affinities and new higher taxa, Internat. Journal of Syst. and Evol. Microbiol. 53, 1741-1758 (2003).
  • Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa, Europ. J. Protistol. 39, 338-348 (2003).

Alternative classifications[edit]

Cavalier-Smith (1998)[edit]

From A revised six-kingdom system of life

In Kingdom Protozoa, Subkingdom Neozoa
Infrakingdom Discicristata infraking. nov.

Cavalier-Smith (2002)[edit]

From The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa

In Kingdom Protozoa, Subkingdom Corticata, Infrakingdom Excavata
Superphylum Discicristata stat. nov.

Hausmann et al. (2003)[edit]

From Hausmann, K., N. Hulsmann, R. Radek. Protistology. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchshandlung, Stuttgart, 2003.

Empire Eukaryota Chatton, 1925 (= Eukarya)